The Elizabeth Terwilliger Nature Education Legacy (TNEL) is a nonprofit, tax-deductible organization founded by her children, John and Lynn Ellen Terwilliger, to perpetuate their mother’s legacy through the “Tripping with Terwilliger” habitat films. They are entertaining and instructive. The Legacy's mission is “to teach children an awareness and appreciation of nature, so that as adults they will be prepared to make responsible decisions about the environment.” Please view two short videos:
TNEL "click here" and "Volunteers Behind the Scenes" "click here"
1. Oak Woodland (14 min.)
2. Redwood Forest, Stream, Ocean Beach, Monarch Butterflies (15 min.)
3. Bay Tidelands (15 min.)
4. Grassland, Chaparral and Fresh Water Pond (15 min.)
5. Sights and Sounds of the Seasons (21 min.)
An "Activity Guide" booklet and Mrs. T's Coloring Book is included with each DVD and VHS.
These five award winning pre-school-fifth-grades Nature Education films feature naturalist Elizabeth Terwilliger leading children on outdoor field trips in a variety of habitats. They are invaluable in introducing teachers, naturalists, and parents to her multi-sensory techniques that involve children with hands-on-activities in the out-of-doors.
All five films are now available on a single DVD or VHS.
Free DVDS to Elementary School Librarians, Public Libraries and
Outdoor Education Programs
The Tripping with Terwilliger Habitat Adventures